I had already climbed the mountain and was back at the base, when her bright yellow braids caught my eyes. "I really like your hair!" I yelled out to ...(More)

I had already climbed the mountain and was back at the base, when her bright yellow braids caught my eyes. "I really like your hair!" I yelled out to ...(More)
Thai monks from Wat Phramahajanaka, a Buddhist temple in Griffin, Georgia, visited Stone Mountain today. Their bright orange robes (worn by Theravada ...(More)
Sometimes I feel like Charles Darwin in the Galapagos when I walk up and down (and all around) Stone Mountain. Everything pretty much fascinates ...(More)
I began my hike up the mountain on the afternoon of Saturday, September 10, with the usual wonderment of the perpetually fascinated. Signs of ...(More)
If you are at all considering attending the Indian Festival and Pow-Wow at Stone Mountain Park on November 3-6 and truly care about what is happening ...(More)
Finally sweater weather here in Georgia (at least yesterday and today). The wind was so intense on top of the mountain at sunrise yesterday, gusts at ...(More)
Their plain dress made me want to know more about them last Sunday. No particular denomination, the woman holding the baby said. Not Amish, not ...(More)
Tonight's rare Black Moon on top of Stone Mountain, which is the second new moon in one calendar month. ...(More)