That a mountain bulging boldly, as if to the heavens, beckons to people of all races, spiritual faiths, and walks of life should hardly surprise ...(More)

That a mountain bulging boldly, as if to the heavens, beckons to people of all races, spiritual faiths, and walks of life should hardly surprise ...(More)
Completely mesmerizing clouds of tadpoles teeming in the pools on top of the mountain today. A toad spotted on Stone Mountain on May 21, ...(More)
It’s coming up on two years now since I had the privilege of hiking Stone Mountain with author and Atlanta native Mark Pendergrast on May 15, 2015. ...(More)
The fiery I-85 bridge collapse back in April reminded me of the approaching centennial of the Great Atlanta Fire of 1917 this May 21st and Atlanta’s ...(More)
On April 7th, I ran into nineteen year-old elite road racing cyclist Willem Kaiser on Stone Mountain. He had biked miles from his home in Atlanta’s ...(More)
Besides putting your two hands together, let's agree there are many ways to supplicate to the gods. On April 7, 2017, I happened upon an offering, ...(More)
par·kour (pärˈko͝or) noun — 1. the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by ...(More)
Thai monks from Wat Phramahajanaka, a Buddhist temple in Griffin, Georgia, visited Stone Mountain today. Their bright orange robes (worn by Theravada ...(More)