“My father went to High School with Martin Sheen, who went by Ray Estevez back then!” I invariably tell anyone and everyone I ever meet from Dayton, OH.

Just who was that Muslim woman rockin' the tiger-print-meets-tie-dye hijab...
Just who was that Muslim woman rockin' the tiger-print-meets-tie-dye hijab on the first night of Ramadan before sundown...

Three generations of women on the mountain from Hyderabad...
Three color-coordinated generations of women on the mountain from Hyderabad, the largest city in the South Indian state of Telanganu...

Manela on top of Stone Mountain, her traditional Ethiopian dress...
I walked a mile to the top of the world’s largest granite outcropping and there stood Manela, her traditional...

On top of a mountain seems an unlikely place...
On top of a mountain seems an unlikely place to meet a lifeguard who loves marine mammals and who dreams of one day swimming with great white sharks...

Duy, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk
I met Duy today, a 31 year-old Vietnamese Buddhist monk visiting from Bình Dương Province near Saigon. There we were on the walk-up trail in the blazing heat...

French Haitian Seventh Day Adventists
If I had been wearing earphones last night, I might've missed their French singing at the base of Stone Mountain. I pinched myself when...

These kids from South Korea have been in Atlanta for the week at Georgia Tech...
These kids from the Korea International School in Bundang-Pangyo, South Korea have been in Atlanta...

Wilfredo and Velna are from Guatemala and were so proud...
Both are from Chiquimulilla, Guatemala (pron. cheeky-moo-lee-ja), and were so proud that they spontaneously posed with their passports

Inspired Oxygen
I came upon a group of respiratory therapy classmates from Georgia State University on top of the mountain.

"We've been dating a week," said Jordarion, smiling...
"We've been dating a week," said 22 year-old Jordarion, smiling at his boyfriend Hogan, "like Hulk Hogan without the Hulk."

The Young Americans
I asked these teens (ages 15-18) in a Lutheran youth group from Kure Beach, NC, (just south of Wilmington) why they traveled to Atlanta to do mission work.

Nepalese visitors Nar and his aunt Dan are Hindus living in Philadelphia.
Nepalese visitors Nar (sounds like "nor"), 71, and his aunt Dan (pron. Don), 84, are Hindus currently living in Philadelphia.

Jagwinder and his sons are Sikhs visiting from Mississippi...
Jagwinder (everybody calls him Jag) and his sons Arshbir,11, and Tanbir,12, are Sikhs visiting from Mississippi, that lived in Atlanta several years ago. "

Saudi Arabian Faisal Sultan has been studying English for the military...
Saudi Arabian Faisal Sultan has been studying English in San Antonio for the military (his native tongue is Arabic)...

Fatuma and Amina are Kenyan and speak Swahili, Oromo, and English.
Fatuma and Amina are Kenyan and speak Swahili, Oromo, and English. Fatuma means "daughter of the prophet," and Amina means "blessing."

Saudi Arabian Women
These two twenty-something Saudi Arabian women didn't want me to identify them...

Mary, a Catholic visiting from India, only speaks Malayalam...
Mary, a Catholic visiting from the southwestern Indian state of Kerala, only speaks Malayalam (a palindrome) but told of mountains and greenery... "

Every day is Father's Day for Fr. Paul and Fr. Herman, a Russian Orthodox priest and monk...
Every day is Father's Day for Fr. Paul and Fr. Herman, a Russian Orthodox priest and monk, respectively, pictured here wearing cassocks.

Patrick Warburton who played Puddy, Elaine's boyfriend on "Seinfeld"
Patrick Warburton who played Puddy, Elaine's boyfriend on "Seinfeld," and The Tick...

Olympic Dreams on Stone Mountain
"Loyalty" and "Love" are tattooed across 23 year-old Shante' Brooks' chest. I've been seeing him a lot at the mountain...